Өнгө өнгийн тагтаанууд


Данийн Копенгаген хотын зарим нэг дүүргийн тэнгэрт нисч харагдсан улаан, ягаан, шар өнгийн тагтаанууд хотын иргэд болон жуулчдыг ихээхэн сандрахад хүргэжээ. Тагтаанууд ийнхүү өнгө өнгөөр алаглах болсон шалтгаан нь шувууны ханиадны нэг шинэ төрөл бус харин энэ өдрүүдэд Копенгаген хотод явагдаж буй “Амьдралын цаг мөч” нэртэй үзэсгэлэнгийн бүтээлүүд болох нь тодорхой болов.

Өнгө өнгийн тагтаанууд 1

Юлиус фон Бисмарк, Жюльен Шарьер хэмээх хоёр зураач эрхэм тагтаануудыг барьж аваад тэднийг будсаныхаа дараа эргүүлээд тавьсан аж. Гэхдээ зураачид тагтаануудыг будахдаа хүнсний будаг ашигласан тул энэ нь шувуудад ямар нэгэн хор учруулахгүйгээс гадна нэг сарын хагасын туршид арилахгүй гэнэ. Энэхүү өвөрмөц үзэсгэлэн нүүдлийнх учраас ойрын нэг сар хагасын хугацаанд Копенгаген хот болон түүний ойролцоо өнгө өнгийн тагтаанууд тэнгэр дүүлэн ниссээр байх ажээ.

Өнгө өнгийн тагтаанууд 1

Ха ХаХа Ха

5 Сэтгэгдэл

  1. Pyte Djego

    Pyte Djego

    2014/08/11 at 19:10

    Hello to all members of the group !!
    I advise the particular clientele RAMOS TORRES particular any country I offer loan from $ 400 to $ 132 million to anyone able to repay it with interest rates low .We individuals who offer loans between individuals seriously in need for small businesses, personal investments for just 2% interest in the amount requested to rate. We are making local loans and international loans to people all over the world. Our organization is not a bank and we do not nécessitons many documents. Fair and honest and reliable loan. Contact me today and let me know the amount of money you want to pay. I Prette to satisfairemail: [email protected]

  2. Pyte Djego

    Pyte Djego

    2014/08/11 at 19:10

    Hello to all members of the group !!
    I advise the particular clientele RAMOS TORRES particular any country I offer loan from $ 400 to $ 132 million to anyone able to repay it with interest rates low .We individuals who offer loans between individuals seriously in need for small businesses, personal investments for just 2% interest in the amount requested to rate. We are making local loans and international loans to people all over the world. Our organization is not a bank and we do not nécessitons many documents. Fair and honest and reliable loan. Contact me today and let me know the amount of money you want to pay. I Prette to satisfairemail: [email protected]

  3. Pyte Djego

    Pyte Djego

    2014/08/11 at 19:10

    Hello to all members of the group !!
    I advise the particular clientele RAMOS TORRES particular any country I offer loan from $ 400 to $ 132 million to anyone able to repay it with interest rates low .We individuals who offer loans between individuals seriously in need for small businesses, personal investments for just 2% interest in the amount requested to rate. We are making local loans and international loans to people all over the world. Our organization is not a bank and we do not nécessitons many documents. Fair and honest and reliable loan. Contact me today and let me know the amount of money you want to pay. I Prette to satisfairemail: [email protected]

  4. Pyte Djego

    Pyte Djego

    2014/08/11 at 19:10

    Hello to all members of the group !!
    I advise the particular clientele RAMOS TORRES particular any country I offer loan from $ 400 to $ 132 million to anyone able to repay it with interest rates low .We individuals who offer loans between individuals seriously in need for small businesses, personal investments for just 2% interest in the amount requested to rate. We are making local loans and international loans to people all over the world. Our organization is not a bank and we do not nécessitons many documents. Fair and honest and reliable loan. Contact me today and let me know the amount of money you want to pay. I Prette to satisfairemail: [email protected]

  5. Pyte Djego

    Pyte Djego

    2014/08/11 at 19:10

    Hello to all members of the group !!
    I advise the particular clientele RAMOS TORRES particular any country I offer loan from $ 400 to $ 132 million to anyone able to repay it with interest rates low .We individuals who offer loans between individuals seriously in need for small businesses, personal investments for just 2% interest in the amount requested to rate. We are making local loans and international loans to people all over the world. Our organization is not a bank and we do not nécessitons many documents. Fair and honest and reliable loan. Contact me today and let me know the amount of money you want to pay. I Prette to satisfairemail: [email protected]

Сэтгэгдэл бичих

АНХААР! Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүй болон ёс суртахууныг баримтална уу. Ёс бус сэтгэгдлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Мэдээний сэтгэгдэлд XopoM.com хариуцлага хүлээхгүй. Required fields are marked *