“Харри Поттер” кинонд дүр бүтээсэн дараах 14 жүжигчид өнөөдөр хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөж, ямар харагдах болсон бэ?


“Harry Potter” кино анх нээлтээ хийсэн цагаас хойш 20 жил өнгөрчээ. Кинонд бидний хайртай дүрүүдийг бүтээсэн жүжигчид болон энэхүү гайхалтай бүтээлийг шимтэн үзсэн үзэгчид хамтдаа цаг хугацааны эрхээр өсч том болцгоон, нас биед хүрцгээжээ. Бид эдгээр жүжигчдэд үнэхээр их дассан болохоор тэдний өөрчлөлтийг төдийлөн сайн анзаараагүй өнгөрүүлсэн байж мэдэх талтай. Учир нь бидний балчир насны дурсамжинд томоохон орон зай эзлэх тэдний царай төрх сэтгэлд илүү хоногшин үлджээ.

Бид та бүхэнд “Harry Potter” кинонд дүр бүтээсэн жүжигчдийн өөрчлөлтийг харуулах өмнө ба дараах харьцуулсан фото зургуудыг сонирхуулахаар бэлдлээ.

1. Harry Potter

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэр бол энэ киноны гол дүр. Киноны эхний ангийн зураг авалтыг хийх үед жүжигчин Daniel Radcliffe дөнгөж 11 настай байжээ. Харин киноны сүүлийн анги болох “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” нээлтээ хийхэд жүжигчин маань аль хэдийнээ 21 настай болсон байсан бөгөөд үүнээс харахад тэр энэ дүрдээ амьдралынхаа 10 жилийг зориулсан байна.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © WizardingWorld.com/Ferrari Press/East News


2. Hermione Granger

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэр кинонд Harry болон Ron нарын сайн найзын дүрийг бүтээсэн. Киноны эхний анги нээлтээ хийх үед жүжигчин Emma Watson 10 настай байжээ. Харин түүний байгуулсан гэрээ 2011 онд дуусгавар болоход жүжигчин бүсгүй маань 20 нас хүрсэн байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © emmawatson / Instagram


3. Ron Weasley

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Кинонд тэр Weasley-гийн гэр бүлийн 6 дахь хүүгийн дүрийг бүтээсэн бөгөөд Хогвартс сургуульд элсэн ордог. Киноны эхний ангийн зураг авалт хийгдэж байх үед жүжигчин Rupert Grint 12 настай байжээ. Төгсгөлийн анги дээр тэр хэдийнээ 23 нас хүрсэн байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © rupertgrint / Instagram


4. Draco Malfoy

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэр бол Malfoy-ийн гэр бүлийн отгон хүү. Өөрийн үнэнч туслахууд болох Crabbe болон Goyle нарын хамтаар эсрэг дүрийг бүтээсэн. Киноны эхний ангид жүжигчин Tom Felton 14 настай байсан бол, төгсгөлийн анги дээр 24 настай байжээ.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © t22felton / Instagram


5. Severus Snape

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Жүжигчин Alan Rickman уг дүрийг дэлгэцнээ амилуулсан. Киноны эхний ангид тэрээр 55 настай байжээ. Харин төгсгөлийн анги дээр 65 настай байсан байна.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © East News


6. Rubeus Hagrid

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Киноны эхний ангид жүжигчин Robbie Coltrane 51 настай байсан бол төгсгөлийн анги дээр 61 нас хүрсэн байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Urban Myths / Sky Arts


7. Neville Longbottom

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Жүжигчин Mattew Lewis уг дүрийг бүтээсэн. Тэр киноны эхний ангид дүр бүтээхдээ 12 настай байжээ. Харин төгсгөлийн анги дээр 22 настай байсан байна.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © mattdavelewis / Instagram


8. Ginny Weasley

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэр бол Weasley-ийн бага дүү бөгөөд ахыгаа дагаад Хогвартс сургуульд элсэн ордог. Киноны эхний анги дээр жүжигчин Bonnie Wright 9 настай байсан бол төгсгөлийн анги 2011 онд нээлтээ хийхэд 20 нас хүрсэн байжээ.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © thisisbwright / Instagram


9. Minerva McGonagall

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Жүжигчин Maggie Smith киноны эхний анги дээр 67 настай байсан бол төгсгөлийн анги дээр хэдийнээ 77 насыг зооглосон байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Julie Edwards/LFI/Avalon/Photoshot/East News


10. Albus Dumbledore

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Профессор Albus Dumbledore бол Хогвартс сургуулийн захирал. Мөн тэр кинонд Harry Potter-ийн дотнын найз болон хамгаалагчийн дүрийг бүтээсэн. Жүжигчин Richard Harris киноны эхний анги нээлтээ хийх үед 72 настай байжээ. Харин киноны төгсгөлийн ангид уг дүрийг жүжигчин Michael Gambon амилуулсан бөгөөд тэрээр тухайн үед 71 настай байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © CAP/SFS/Capital Pictures Russia/East News


11. Fred болон George Weasley

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэд бол ихрүүд бөгөөд киноны гол дүрүүдийн нэг Ron Weasley-ийн төрсөн ах нарын дүрийг кинонд бүтээсэн. Жүжигчин James Phelps болон Oliver Phelps нар киноны эхний анги дээр 15 настай байсан бол, төгсгөлийн анги дээр 25 настай байжээ.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Lego/Ferrari Press/East News


12. Dudley Dursley

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Тэр кинонд Harry-гийн үеэлийн дүрийг бүтээдэг. Уг дүрийг дэлгэцнээ жүжигчин Harry Melling амилуулсан. Киноны эхний анги дээр тэр 11 настай байжээ. Харин төгсгөлийн анги дээр 20 нас хүрсэн байна.

© Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Netflix / The Hollywood Archive / Hollywood Archive/Photoshot/East News


13. Molly Weasley

© Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers

Энэ дүрийг жүжигчин Julie Walters бүтээсэн. 2001 онд киноны эхний анги нээлтээ хийхэд тэр 51 настай байсан бол, төгсгөлийн анги дээр 61 настай байжээ.

© Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Warner Bros. and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras / Youtube


14. Argus Filch

© Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., and co-producers

2001 онд киноны эхний анги нээлтээ хийхэд жүжигчин David John Bradley 59 настай байжээ. Харин төгсгөлийн анги дээр 69 нас хүрсэн байв.

© Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros., and co-producers, © RSC Shakespeare Learning Zone / Youtube

Энэ кинотой холбоотой ямар дурсамж таны сэтгэлд тод үлдсэн бэ? Хэрэв та уг киноны зохиолч байсан бол киног яаж төгсгөх байсан бэ?

Ха ХаХа Ха

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