Японы concept машинуудын түүх [66 фото]


Японы concept машинуудын түүх [66 фото]

Concept машин гэдэг нь шинэ загвар, шинэ технологиор хийгдэж байгаа машины ерөнхий төсөөллийг харуулах зорилгоор хийгдсэн туршилтын загварыг хэлдэг. Иймэрхүү concept машинууд нь шинэ, эрс тэс загваруудыг худалдан авагчдад таниулж, тэд хэрхэн хүлээж авах, цаашид үйлдвэрлэхэд боломжтой эсэхийг нягтлан шалгах үүднээс янз бүрийн автомашины шоунууд дээр танилцуулагддаг. Concept машинууд нь хэзээ ч шууд үйлдвэрлэлийн дамжлага руу шилждэггүй бөгөөд урт удаан хугацааны туршид нарийн судалж, шинжилсний эцэст үйлдвэрлэх эсэхийг шийддэг байна. Бид та бүхэнд сүүлийн тавин жилийн хугацаанд буюу 1957-2009 оны хооронд гарсан японы concept машинуудын зургийг хүргэж байгаа ба нийт 66 concept машины зураг байгаа юм.

the history of japanese concept cars1
Toyota Proto, 1957

the history of japanese concept cars2
Toyota Proto, 1957

the history of japanese concept cars3
Toyota Publica Sports, 1962

the history of japanese concept cars4
Nissan Prince Sprint 1900 Prototype, 1963

the history of japanese concept cars5
Toyota Concept, 1966

the history of japanese concept cars6
Mazda RX 87 (Bertone), 1967

the history of japanese concept cars7
Isuzu Bellett MX1600 (Ghia), 1969

the history of japanese concept cars8
Toyota EX-1, 1969

the history of japanese concept cars9
Toyota EX-II, 1969

the history of japanese concept cars10
Toyota EX-II, 1969

the history of japanese concept cars11
Mazda RX-500, 1970

the history of japanese concept cars12
Isuzu MX1600-II

the history of japanese concept cars13
Nissan 126X, 1970

the history of japanese concept cars14
Nissan 270X, 1970

the history of japanese concept cars15
Nissan 216X, 1971

the history of japanese concept cars16
Nissan Skyline Concept, 1972

the history of japanese concept cars17
Toyota EX-7, 1972

the history of japanese concept cars18
Toyota RV-2, 1972

the history of japanese concept cars19

the history of japanese concept cars20

the history of japanese concept cars21

the history of japanese concept cars22
Toyota F101, 1973

the history of japanese concept cars23
Nissan AD-1 Concept, 1975

the history of japanese concept cars24
Nissan NX-21, 1983

the history of japanese concept cars25
Nissan CUE-X, 1985

the history of japanese concept cars26
Daihatsu TA-X80, 1987

the history of japanese concept cars27
Mitsubishi HSR II, 1989

the history of japanese concept cars28
Nissan Boga, 1989

the history of japanese concept cars29
Nissan Figaro Concept, 1989

the history of japanese concept cars30
Nissan FEV, 1991

the history of japanese concept cars31
Mazda London Taxi, 1993

the history of japanese concept cars32
Mitsubishi ESR, 1993

the history of japanese concept cars33
Suzuki EE-10, 1993

the history of japanese concept cars34
Nissan AP-X, 1994

the history of japanese concept cars35
Toyota Moguls, 1995

the history of japanese concept cars36
Nissan Hypermini, 1997

the history of japanese concept cars37
Nissan TrailRunner, 1997

the history of japanese concept cars38
Nissan KYXX, 1998

the history of japanese concept cars39
Honda Fuya-Jo, 1999

the history of japanese concept cars40
Mazda Miata Mono-Posto, 1999

the history of japanese concept cars41
Isuzu Zen, 2001

the history of japanese concept cars42
Toyota POD, 2001

the history of japanese concept cars43
Isuzu FL-4, 2002

the history of japanese concept cars44
Honda IMAS, 2003

the history of japanese concept cars45
Honda KIWAMI, 2003

the history of japanese concept cars46
Honda Pro Drag Civic Si, 2003

the history of japanese concept cars47
Nissan Jikoo, 2003

the history of japanese concept cars48
Toyota FINE-S, 2003

the history of japanese concept cars49
Toyota MTRC, 2004

the history of japanese concept cars50
Infiniti Kuraza, 2005

the history of japanese concept cars51
Mazda Senku, 2005

the history of japanese concept cars52
Mitsuoka Orochi, 2005

the history of japanese concept cars53
Nissan Zaroot, 2005

the history of japanese concept cars54
Acura Advanced Sedan, 2006

the history of japanese concept cars55
Mazda Nagare, 2006

the history of japanese concept cars56
Nissan Terranaut, 2006

the history of japanese concept cars57
Acura Advanced Sports Car, 2007

the history of japanese concept cars58
Mazda Taiki, 2007

the history of japanese concept cars59
Nissan Mixim, 2007

the history of japanese concept cars60
Nissan Bevel, 2007

the history of japanese concept cars61
Nissan Pivo-2, 2007

the history of japanese concept cars62
Honda FC Sport Concept, 2008

the history of japanese concept cars63
Mazda Kiyora, 2008

the history of japanese concept cars64
Honda P-NUT, 2009

the history of japanese concept cars65
Infiniti Essence, 2009

the history of japanese concept cars66
Nissan Land Glider, 2009

Ха ХаХа Ха

19 Сэтгэгдэл

  1. moochii

    2010/10/08 at 10:42

    unen soloitoi

  2. Зочин

    2010/10/08 at 11:07

    laitai ain ;-)

  3. jerry-man

    2010/10/08 at 11:08


  4. Tumuruu76

    2010/10/08 at 11:37

    laitai ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

  5. turuu_designer

    2010/10/08 at 11:48

    tas ain

  6. BupyC

    2010/10/08 at 13:42


  7. 34nt

    2010/10/08 at 13:46


  8. doogii0118

    2010/10/08 at 14:32

    tnx nice nice

  9. AngelAsokoo

    2010/10/08 at 15:14

    sodon zagwartai yumaa nice sanagdlaa

  10. smile_hehe

    2010/10/08 at 18:05

    tasarhai conceptuud bnaa

  11. Зочин

    2010/10/08 at 18:28

    fukcing damn GEj NEgen unad irdeggui yum bhda!!!

  12. tumku_opposite

    2010/10/08 at 18:48

    laitai ain

  13. gamez

    2010/10/08 at 20:43


  14. EaRThQuAke

    2010/10/09 at 10:14

    [b]HuGJilTeI YUm Geech MoHroJl OPOH MAHDAH baDPar :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o [/b]

  15. Hankuru

    2010/10/09 at 17:18

    ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

    [ Зассан: Hankuru , өдөр 2010/10/9 18:20 ]

  16. Зочин

    2010/10/10 at 11:27

    yoo boli boli mair naasan ai

  17. sekv

    2010/10/11 at 05:35

    [color=008000][size=xx-large]sonin zagwartai nasss[/size][/color]

  18. Зочин

    2010/10/13 at 14:11


  19. barnerd

    2011/03/03 at 13:21

    [size=x-large][font=Impact][color=800000] Монгол [/color][color=4040FF] Орон Мандан [/color][color=800000] Бадаг [/color][/font][/size]

Сэтгэгдэл бичих

АНХААР! Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүй болон ёс суртахууныг баримтална уу. Ёс бус сэтгэгдлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Мэдээний сэтгэгдэлд XopoM.com хариуцлага хүлээхгүй. Required fields are marked *