Дэлхийн хамгийн үсэрхэг гэр бүл


Мексик эр Чуи болон түүний гэр бүлийнхнийг та бүхэнд танилцуулъя. Энэ гэр бүлийн бүх гишүүд нэг зүйл ховор өвчтэй хүмүүс юм. Тэд бүгд нүүрээрээ дүүрэн үстэй ажээ. Тэдний энэхүү төрөлхийн эмгэгийг амбрас синдром гэж нэрлэдэг юм байна. Үлгэр домогт гардаг хүн чоныг санагдуулам энэ гэр бүлийн тэргүүнийг Jesús ‘Chuy’ Aceves гэдэг бөгөөд тэрээр 1974 онд Мексикт төржээ.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044h) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy (left) and his family Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

Кино бүтээгч Eva Aridjis энэ гэр бүлийн тухай “Chuy: The Wolf Man” хэмээх киног бүтээсэн нь энэ сарын 25-нд Мексик хотноо нээлтээ хийх юм. 13 настайгаасаа Хүн-чоно хэмээн нэрлэгдэж ирсэн Chuy-гийн эгч Lilia болон тэдний үеэлүүд болох Danny, Larry нар мөн Chuy-гийн гурван өөр эмэгтэйгээс төрсөн гурван охин нь бүгд энэ генетикийн мутацийг өвлөсөн байна. Энэ гэр бүл дэх амбрас синдромтой анхны хүн нь Chuy-гийн элэнц эмээ байсан ба түүнээс хойш төрсөн хүүхдүүдийн хагас нь буюу 30 хүн нь ийм эмгэгтэй төржээ.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044al) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ao) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ap) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044aa) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy wearing sunglasses Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044a) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy stood next to his former wife and daughter Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044b) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy and his family Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044c) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy looking out of a window Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044d) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy sat on an amusement pier Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044e) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy riding a horse Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044g) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy and his daughter Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044j) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044l) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044n) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044o) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044p) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy and his former wife and daughter Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044q) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows one of Chuy's relatives wearing a Cowboy outfit Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044r) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows one of Chuy's relatives wearing a pink-tutu Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044v) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy enjoying the sunshine, as a dog plays nearby Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044x) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044y) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' shows Chuy smiling at the camera Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044z) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ab) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ad) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ae) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044ai) Chuy's family at an amusement park Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock. Strictly no stock and strictly editorial context only. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission. Eva Aridjis' film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' must be mentioned in any text. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eva Aridjis/REX Shutterstock (5043044aj) A still from the film 'Chuy, Wolf Man' Stills from the 'Wolf man' film, Mexico - 2013 FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/qyeb The story of the hairiest family in the world has been captured in a moving film-documentary. Mexican-American film director Eva Aridjis made the documentary 'Chuy, The Wolf Man' which is being released on September 25 2015. The documentary captures the moving story of Chuy, 38, and his relatives, who have struggled with a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, which causes growth of excessive facial hair. Eva Aridjis first heard about Chuy and his family through a brief news report on TV in Mexico, but was initially unable to track them down.

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4 Сэтгэгдэл

  1. Lhagvajav Altangerel

    2015/09/15 at 12:44


  2. Lhagvajav Altangerel

    2015/09/15 at 12:44


  3. Vangud Tkhan

    2015/09/16 at 21:00

    танай сайтын мэдээллийг байнга уншдаг шүү. Улс төр, нийгмийн бухимдлаас хол байдаг болохоор тэр. Амжилт хүсье Та бүхэнд

  4. Зочин

    2015/09/20 at 16:37

    usee husdag bgaa daa

Сэтгэгдэл бичих

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